SIAE ALFO Plus80/HD Polarization Kit, SIAE-V60416

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SIAE ALFO Plus80/HD Polarization Kit, SIAE-V60416 

Polarization kit for the ALFO Plus80/HD Lineup.

What is polarization?

Polarization is important in wireless communications systems. The physical orientation of a wireless antenna corresponds to the polarization of the radio waves received or transmitted by that antenna. Thus, a vertical antenna receives and emits vertically polarized waves, and a horizontal antenna receives or emits horizontally polarized waves. The best short-range communications is obtained when the transmitting and receiving (source and destination) antennas have the same polarization. The least efficient short-range communications usually takes place when the two antennas are at right angles (for example, one horizontal and one vertical). Over long distances, the atmosphere can cause the polarization of a radio wave to fluctuate, so the distinction between horizontal and vertical becomes less significant.